Group Prescribing Supervision

Dietitians NZ offers Group Prescribing Supervision for dietitians who have a prescribing endorsement AND who are not prescribing in their current role. The purpose of the supervision is to provide support and assistance in a safe environment to meet your prescribing supervision requirements as outlined by the Dietitians Board.

Registration/ accessing Group Prescribing Supervision 
To register for this year’s Group Prescribing Supervision, check out our Events page. Groups will be added here throughout the year as they become available so be sure to check back regularly!

- To ensure knowledge and application of the golden principles of prescribing through case-based scenarios. 
- To complete written prescriptions for case studies including prescription medicines; vitamins and minerals, electrolytes, compound electrolytes; and special foods. 
- To be able to find and make use of the available resources for assistance when prescribing.
- To assist in the successful completion the annual Dietitians Board Moodle for prescribing. 

- All supervision sessions will be delivered over 4 x 60min sessions virtually via zoom. 
- All supervision groups will use the same cases to assist with standardisation and quality control across the sessions. 
- Case studies and any background information will be sent via email prior to each session. The expectation is that supervisees will complete any background reading as well as the required prescription prior to the session for discussion during supervision.
- You will be asked to include your clinical reasoning when completing the case studies and so supervision will include areas of practise that you are less familiar with. 
- We aim to include equal representation of Māori and non-Māori supervisors and all supervisors will be remunerated appropriately for their time by Dietitians NZ. 
- There will be a maximum of six supervisees per group and all groups will be supervised by two supervisors.
- Supervision agreements between Dietitians NZ, the supervisors and supervisees will be in place that outline the responsibilities and expectations, ensuring the safety and protection of all parties. 

Terms and Conditions
By registering for Group Prescribing Supervision, you are agreeing to the following Terms & Conditions

- You have a prescribing endorsement AND are not prescribing in your current role. 
- After your first session, you must update your Prescribing Supervisor on the Dietitians Board portal. 
- In order for your Prescribing Supervisor to sign you off at the completion of supervision, you must attend all four sessions. 
- You agree to engage and contribute to case discussions and reflections. 
- Complete any necessary background work prior to each supervision session.
- Accept and respect each other’s’ viewpoints and perspectives without judgement, and discuss prescribing issues openly and fully 
- Keep a copy of any documentation of the supervision session 
- Follow through on actions or tasks agreed in supervision 
- Maintain privacy and confidentiality.